WordPress Business Tools

Get access to our private library of our Premium Themes and Plugins. You will save money just using our services. You will also get access to monthly SEO and Analytics reports and other tools.

Business Tools

Premium Plugins - Curated

Business Ecommerce
With the Business and Ecommerce Plans you will have access to our library of premium plugins (more than 1000$ value each year). Contact us to know the latest plugins available.

Premium Themes - Fast and Powerful

Business Ecommerce
With the Business and Ecommerce Plans you have access to the best Premium Themes. The configuration of the themes is not included on the plans. Contact us to know the latest themes available.

Business Reports - Be informed

We will provide a monthly report with advanced information from your site. It will also include SEO, Analytics, Social Media and much more. Contact Support to know how to activate the reports for your business.

Staging Copy - On demand

Business Ecommerce
You will have access to a Staging copy of your WordPress. A staging copy is a protected exact copy of your website so you can test and develop without the risk of breaking down your business site. You can ask us via Ticket to update the Staging area from the live site anytime.

Private Development Area - Your testing

You will have a development copy in addition to the Staging Copy. The development copy will be available just for you as a secondary website so you can test and develop whatever you need. We won´t modify your development copy unless you asked us. You can ask us via Ticket to update the Dev Copy from the live site anytime.

WordPress Audits - Information is key

The first step to fix a problem is to know what the problem is. One of our experts will review your WordPress, find the problems you might have and provide solutions so you can decide what to do next.


Not on your website. Think all the time you spend dealing with WordPress technical issues. That is time you could be using to improve your business.