Is my website elegible for Free Migration?​

Probably it is. Most websites are elegible for our free migrations

In this page you will find a small test so you can check if your website is elegible or not.


If you do not know the answer to any question, do not worry, choose a plan and start the process and we will check all this for you for free.

Compatibility Test

Is your website Updated?

Make sure that you have all the plugins from your WordPress install updated, included the premium ones. 

The theme needs to be updated too. If it is a Premium Theme, make sure you check the creator website to see if there is any new version.

Updating the core of WordPress is really easy. You need to make sure you are using the latest version available.

Are you using custom code?

If you have any plugins that are custom made for your website, we will need to review them to make sure everything is ok. Contact the developer if you can to confirm that they do not need to be updated.

If your theme is custom coded, you will need to contact the developer that made it and make sure that you do not need to update it.

If you have any other custom code on the website, please let us know. We will need to make sure it is compatible. 

Other Questions

If your site was hacked, we will need to make sure that it has been properly cleaned.

Sometimes the hosting companies offer the domains when you create your website. It is a good idea to have the domain and the hosting on separate companies. If your domain is part of your hosting package, you will need to move it before we can migrate your site. We will help you on the process.

Emails should be separated from hostings, but some cheap hosting still offer email services. We do not offer email services, so to move your website to our servers, you will need to make sure your emails are independent from your website hosting. We will help you to do this too.

If your website is not a installation but a account, a free migration is not possible. We have done this before several times, so it is something really common. Contact us and we will let you know how much it will cost to transfer your site to a install. 

Technical Questions

We only host SSL sites on our servers. If your site is not using SSL (https://), we need to transform it before we move it into our system.

The transfer of your website to SSL is now free for Business and Ecommerce Plans. 

We can handle databases of any size, but if your database is bigger than 1GB, it could means that there is something wrong with your install and we will need to review it. 

Our hosting can handle any size of websites, but if you are using more than 5GB of space, it is probably that something is not right with your setup. We will check it and let you know. 

We will check this as part of our process, so if you do not know the answer, just ignore the question. 

It is recommended to use PHP 7.1 on the WordPress server.

You do not need to do this now, this page is to help you understand the process of migration. If you want to join us, just choose a plan and we will take care of everything.

What happens if my site is not elegible for the free migration?

We will check your site and provide you with a quotation on how much will cost to make your site compatible. You can accept the quote and we will start working on your site.

If you decided to reject the quotation, and you do not make the changes needed on your site to make it compatible with WPHercules, we will refund all the money you have paid as we cannot accept your website into our systems.